The Hardest Part Seldom Talked About
Mental Health Jeremiah Best Mental Health Jeremiah Best

The Hardest Part Seldom Talked About

For me one of the biggest surprises of my therapy sessions and path forward was just how quickly things would surface and pile up. It quickly felt never ending and insurmountable. I was overrun at times. I’m still not sure if it was good to not know that would be the case or not. Also maybe that’s just my experience. I can’t be sure as I haven’t heard a lot from others about it. Feel free to share your experiences.

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Two Questions
Mental Health Jeremiah Best Mental Health Jeremiah Best

Two Questions

I was asked two questions on the same day and they’ve been playing over and over in my head. One dealing with a lack of understanding why I have self confidence issues. One asking how I am so well adjusted. These are my best answers.

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