The Dark Arts Of
Stories and recipes from friends of The Baker and The Witch
The More We Talk
The More We Heal
When we started this project we knew we wanted to share our own story. As things progressed we also wanted a place for others to share. It could be anything, a story, a recipe, or both. The thought is that maybe all of this sharing can help us each tell our own story. Hopefully the talking and sharing will give someone the courage to be who they are, and a place to be heard. Some of these stories/recipes are from my long time best friends. Some are new friends. Others I haven’t yet had to the chance to meet. Together we can remove the stigma and silence around mental health.
You’ve read our story, now read theirs.
- LA @dead_ayeress
- JK @Koesnijmik
- ZH @zoe_ba_bowie
- TM @sr_queso_esq
- BW @totheluna22
Join The Dark Arts Of Others
Have we inspired you? Are you ready to inspire others? Share your story so we can all help each other help ourselves.
Reach out for instructions on the next steps