Introducing The Magical Collective

It’s finally time. I’m finally ready to do this. I’ve wanted to do this since I started this blog. Let me introduce:

What is The Magical Collective? You’ve read my story and following my process to heal myself. I wanted to invite other people that I’m close with, that I’ve just met, and that I haven’t yet had the chance to meet, so that they can share their stories too. Hopefully all of us talking about it can help you talk about your story. You can see that you aren’t alone in all of this. There are others who have been there, are still there, or have finally clawed their way “out”. Together we can all realize that it’s ok not to be ok. There are organizations dedicated to help us, but it has to start with us. We have to say it’s time for us to be who we really are. We’re tired of being sad, lonely, hurting, or any other feeling that isn’t us. Take my hand and join me and these wonderful people on our journeys. Hopefully we can help you with yours.

I’m terrible with vocabulary so when I say I’m honored to have @dead_ayeress be the first to share it’s an understatement. We’ve been great friends for 20 years. She’s been there through it all for me. She’s told me what I needed to hear. She also makes some killer Lemon Chess Bars! We’ve both been to hell and back. Please welcome me and The Magical Collective by reading her story here.


Two Questions


Shut Off My Brain